The Sparkpeople app extends the web-based nutrition and exercise tracker to your phone in a seamless experience. Ive used it for years, and am no longer obese. I agree with those who say that ease of tracking contributes to success in reaching ones health goals. If you are thinking of starting a health regime, the encouragement offered by the huge community of fellow strivers on Sparkpeople can really help you get through the inevitable tough spots. The articles are also quite informative, and the sheer mass of information on this site is truly impressive. An added benefit for those of us who are easily amused is the "Spin the Wheel" bit, for extra daily points; its just fun! Most of the exercise videos are done by real people who have real-world credentials, but look like the neighbors next door. This is not a glitzy, celebrity-studded program; its real people, helping real people.
NativeWichitan about Healthy Recipes - SparkRecipes, v1.9